window treatments

Why Custom Draperies Are Superior to Store Bought

If you have never considered designing custom draperies before, once you read this, you may never go back to store bought again. Imagine having window treatments that make your room look like it belongs in a magazine. When you choose custom draperies, you are choosing to upgrade your style and create a window treatment that looks amazing and fits your personality, style and décor. Custom draperies are superior to store bought and believe it or not, they aren’t that far out of reach.

What’s So Special About Custom Draperies?

Custom Draperies are not mass-produced. They are individually designed to fit you and your windows. With custom draperies, you can decide if you want the fabric to go up to the ceiling or pool onto the floor. You can also choose the exact color fabric you want. You aren’t limited by colors the store has decided are popular. You also aren’t limited by one or two styles. Custom draperies can be designed exactly like you want them. We will either match a design you find or we can help you create a design you like.

You choose the fabric, the color, the hardware and any embellishments. We will guide you so that the fabric or hardware you choose is suitable to the design you pick. When you purchase store bought draperies, you have to choose your own draperies and hardware; often the end result is not what you had hoped for. You may be drawn to store bought draperies because they are cheaper, but in the long run, they don’t look as nice or last as long.

Designing Custom Draperies – Worry Free

For some people, the process of designing custom draperies might seem intimidating, but at Pikes Peak Interiors, we take all the guesswork out of the process. Our design consultant, Theresa will work with you closely to determine the type of custom draperies or custom curtains you need and together you will design the perfect solution for your windows. We have the ability to create a digital display of your finished window treatment so you can see what it will look like and if you will like it. If you aren’t satisfied, you can design something else and keep making changes until you determine what you really like. Once you have a working design, we will begin making it for you. Our local craftsmen are exceptional and each detail is done to perfection.

Custom Draperies and Custom Curtains in Colorado Springs

Pikes Peak Interiors is a great place to go for custom draperies and custom curtains. We also carry blinds, shades and shutters from Hunter Douglas. We believe in quality products that are made in America and we believe in designing interiors that fit you, not the latest trend; unless of course you like the latest trend. As an interior designer with 30 years experience you can expect good results from Theresa. Stop by our showroom in Colorado Springs, CO or call today for a free in-home consultation. We serve Monument, Black Forest, South End, Glen Eagle, Flying Horse, Northgate, Peregrine, Mountain Shadows, and Broadmoor Bluff.


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