Is Colorado Springs a Trendy Place?

Colorado Springs may be on every list of the best places in America to live, but when it comes to interior design it’s not the trendiest place.

Before you start imagining kitchens that were last decorated in the 1950s, let us explain. Colorado Springs residents don’t usually go for flashy trends and with good reason. Our city is home to many military families who know they will probably have to move again in a few years. Why decorate in a way that will have to be renovated again for sale? We also tend to be thoughtful, financially conservative people who weigh risks carefully and often prefer home decor that will last a long time.

Staying away from trends or using less expensive pieces, like rugs and accessories, to enjoy trends in your home makes good sense. Trends tend to start on the coasts and they take a while to migrate to Colorado. By the time the trend gets here, it might only have a couple of years left and if you’ve sided your home in the latest colors or bought the trendiest furniture, you may have to replace it before you’ve even had time to get it dirty.

Our designer, Theresa Guthals, knows about the latest trends and she can incorporate them into your home using items that you won’t mind replacing in a few years. But her main focus is on what makes a home current, as opposed to trendy.

Current styles make your home look fresh and updated, but they will also last a long time. You won’t need to renovate everything if you need to sell, but your New York relatives won’t feel like they’ve stepped back in time when they visit either.

What are up and coming styles in Colorado Springs at this writing?

  • Simplicity
  • Taupe and gray colors
  • Vintage and cottage looks with a modern twist
  • Homes that look like an updated lodge with warm tones and dark wood floors

In the end, it doesn’t matter what the coastal trends are. Contact us and Theresa will make your home look like your dream home, right here in Colorado Springs.

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