Where do Interior Design Trends Come From?

Who thought of using a barn door in a house? Why do you keep hearing about the Color of the Year? Why do living rooms in New York City influence living rooms in Colorado Springs?

Here in the Mountain West, we tend to think that New York and Los Angeles drive the trends, but actually the single most influential factor in interior design is the economy. The way people perceive their prospects for financial success has a surprisingly large impact on how they prefer their surroundings.

Need proof? During the Great Recession, the most popular colors to paint, upholster or cover windows were varieties of gray. People were feeling gray after absorbing bad news and when the population of a country is feeling fear and despair, they like their surroundings to be calm, cool and not too exciting. After all, who needs anxiety magnified by bright colors?

It sounds a little silly when we write it down, but it’s true. The economic news has been improving and colors are getting more cheerful. But if that’s the case, why do we still see grays? The economy may have a lot to say about interior design, but it’s not the only influence.

In our high-tech times, trends are often started through the media. People see things they like on Facebook, Instagram and others that influence their own design choices. Retailers try to provide what people want and suddenly a widely-shared picture of a celebrity’s home is echoed in homes around the country.

Entertainment media also has widespread effect. People like things they see in movies. The décor used in a popular movie can show up in modern homes. Remember the blockbuster, Titanic? The early 20th century décor from the movie showed up in homes. In a similar vein, decorating shows are watched by people who use their ideas and create trends.

As you can imagine, trends don’t last as long as they used to. The lifespan of a trend, from inception to obsolescence, used to be about ten years. Today it’s five to six years.

You’ll want to keep that in mind as you make your design choices, whatever you think will happen in the financial world. Call us to make the most of your investment and keep your home looking current regardless of the stock market’s direction.

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