Five Reasons you need an interior designer in Colorado Springs

pikes-peak-interiors-kitchen-windowIt’s mid-November and the sun is still shining here in Colorado Springs. At this writing, the temperature is a balmy 72 degrees and we are all looking at the almanac in confusion.

Who knew we would still have so much heat and light so late in the year?

Nobody really knows what the weather will bring of course, but we do have a pretty good idea of the extremes of our mountain climate. The sun is strong, the light intense and the temperatures swing high and low. You may also have noticed that it’s dry. Even fish use more water when they’re in Colorado.

Does all that affect your home? You bet it does. Here are five reasons why you need a professional interior designer for your home in the Springs.

• Strong sunlight fades your home furnishings. We know how to block that UV light and preserve the colors inside without blocking your beautiful view of Pikes Peak on the outside.

• The strong sunlight creates heat through the windows and makes your home hot & uncomfortable. It happens all year round here, but we know how to block that heat.

• Paint colors can look completely different in sun or shadow. We know what colors and textures work best in our bright sunlight.

• Everyone hates having workers in the house, but we know which installers will show up on time, do the job right and return your home to the peaceful, private space it is meant to be.

• The bright light and heat can render a room unusable if you have dramatic floor to ceiling windows, but we know who can make the largest custom draperies. After all, those draperies are made by hand and a 20 foot shop can’t make a 30 foot drape.

And now the clouds are rolling in. Will we have a dramatic snowstorm? It’s hard to say, but whatever the weather, you’ll enjoy watching it if you’re inside your beautiful home.

Contact us today and let us customize your home for you and for the climate!

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